Friday, January 20, 2012

SSRS 2008 Transport Error Code 0x800ccc15

Hello all,

I received and email stating that a user did not receive the report from SSRS that he was subscribed to in the last couple of days. When I start looking into the report in the subscription tab of the report I saw the message below.

Failure sending mail: The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x800ccc15. The server response was not available

I tried to open the report and had no problem running the report manually. Then I update the schedule of the report to see if the scheduled sql server agent job is updated as well. Then I looked at the jobs in the server hosting ReportServer database and found the corresponding job with that timed subscription and verified that the execution time of the job is updated with what I did using SSRS portal (In the SQL Server Agent Jobs the name of the jobs for SSRS are given using a system generated GUID and if you don't know the job it's hard to locate since there may be many of them, in my case there were only 8 jobs and I knew which job I need to check once I made the change. However in future blog I will post about this in little more detail). I waited for couple of minutes and saw that the job executed in SQL Server Agent hosting ReportServer database. However still saw the same error message.

I remote into the SSRS server to look into to the problem locally. As soon as I logged in I saw a red icon on the task bar coming from McAfee. I remember that I had to change the configuration of the McAfee to allow database mail to work couple weeks ago. I opened the log and found that the log event below.
1/19/2012 2:30:30 PM Blocked by port blocking rule C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe Anti-virus Standard Protection:Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail

That is when I knew what was wrong. The McAfee ePO policy change forced to server so that processes that need to send email has to be excluded in the Prevent Mass Mailing Worms section. I talked to sysadmin who administers the ePO policy to exclude the ReportingServicesService.exe and push the policy again to the server. Within a minute policy was in effect. I update the report subscription to 3 minutes later and waited for the mail to arrive with the report attached. After 3 minutes voila, I received the email and solved the problem. In my case it was as simple as adding the process to exclusion list to send SMTP emails.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post which helped me to fix Transport Error Code 0x800ccc15. Oneday I was getting this error and also blue screen of death on my system so I saerched for online help and found that this post is very helpful to fix Transport Error Code 0x800ccc15. i also repair Windows which helped blue screen of deathfix.
